An enterprise data management strategy using a domain-driven data architecture


  • Sarbaree Mishra Program Manager at Molina Healthcare Inc., USA Author
  • Vineela Komandla Vice President - Product Manager, JP Morgan Chase, USA Author
  • Srikanth Bandi Software Engineer, JP Morgan Chase, USA Author
  • Sairamesh Konidala Vice President, JP Morgan & Chase, USA Author
  • Jeevan Manda Project Manager, Metanoia Solutions Inc, USA Author


Data governance, domain-driven architecture, enterprise data management


Situating the technical architecture of data systems within corporate domains helps companies create a framework that improves communication between technical teams and business sectors. This alignment ensures methodical data management and best utilization to improve decision-making and support creativity. By clearly defining ownership and stewardship of data within certain business domains, a domain-driven approach promotes responsibility by thereby reducing uncertainty and enhancing governance.  This framework helps companies to handle the complexity of modern data environments by means of tools to develop business-driven data ownership models and leverage automation for policy enforcement. The focus is on pragmatic and implementable insights that can be customized to specific organizational circumstances, therefore helping companies to follow policies and maximize the value of their data assets. Companies which want to be proactive in tackling operational and regulatory challenges while excelling in the modern data-intensive world depend on this data governance approach.


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How to Cite

Sarbaree Mishra, Vineela Komandla, Srikanth Bandi, Sairamesh Konidala, and Jeevan Manda, “An enterprise data management strategy using a domain-driven data architecture”, J. of AI Asst. Scientific Dis., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–24, Feb. 2022, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: